Definition of the core values of the business

Before delving into this concept, we need to explain what the terms “value” and “core” mean.

The value of an organization refers to its distinctive points, characteristics, and unique perspectives. This forms the foundation of the organization.

Therefore, core values can be understood as the fundamental principles of an organization. It is a crucial aspect of the organization as it guides its operations and the individuals within it. This is why “Core Value” is often associated with terms like vision, mission, and corporate culture.

By examining the core values of any business, customers can assess the company’s work methods and how it delivers its services. These values are profound and immensely significant to the organization. As we’ve analyzed, they form the basic, foundational elements of any organization.

Core values are the essential and pivotal aspects of a business. Within an organization, core values play several crucial roles:

Guiding strategic vision: Core values provide a benchmark for members of the organization to guide their behavior. When combined with the experience and knowledge of its members, these values shape the corporate culture.

Upholding the distinct values of the business: Core values significantly influence managerial decisions.

Making core values easily understandable and memorable: Clients and partners can easily identify and evaluate a company through its core values.

Promoting future growth: This also serves as a factor to attract and retain competent employees who contribute to the business. Since the image of the employees reflects upon the organization and vice versa, potential candidates assess these values based on two factors: What the organization believes in and how that belief is manifested.

At HGPT Mechanical, how are the core values expressed?

In reality, every business builds its core values based on two factors: the organization’s trust and actions to demonstrate that trust. At HGPT, the core values revolve around other aspects of corporate culture such as:

Slogan: Always Trusted, Always Quality

Vision: Where Trust is Delivered

Mission: Contributing to the Success of Customers

These elements contribute to shaping the core values of HGPT Mechanical:

However, merely stating core values is not enough, as it only reflects the trust, aspirations, and expectations for the workforce to follow. To be more specific in actions rather than just feelings, HGPT establishes a set of behaviors based on 3 core values, which include:

With the aforementioned set of behaviors, HGPT expects its workforce to clearly understand and act in alignment with these 3 core values when addressing issues, behaving, and making decisions in their roles.


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