In the second half of June 2024, HGPT had the honor of welcoming Mr. Eric, an expert from the PUM organization of the Netherlands. His presence brought us valuable knowledge and practical experience in improving the company’s operations.

Mr. Eric helped HGPT outline strategic plans aimed at export goals. Thanks to his advice and guidance, the company has become more confident in entering international markets, selecting partners, and optimizing export processes. Additionally, Mr. Eric shared standards and best practices to enhance productivity, product quality, and workplace safety.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the PUM organization and Mr. Eric for their valuable contributions. His support has not only helped us improve technically and managerially, but also motivated and fostered a positive working spirit among our entire team.

We hope to continue receiving support from PUM in the future and look forward to the opportunity to work with Mr. Eric again. We wish him good health and success in his future endeavors!


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